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Auto Accident AttorneyWith nearly 264 million vehicles, the United States has one of the busiest road traffic in the world. Thus, it comes as no surprise that auto accidents are so common. There are several reasons which may contribute to collisions such as DUI, distracted driving, and recklessness of a driver, to name a few. If you or your loved one encountered such an unfortunate incident, it is crucial that you hire an experienced auto accident lawyer to ensure that your rights remain protected and you can obtain compensation and damages for your suffering. However, there are certain steps that you should take immediately following an auto accident to strengthen your case.

Pursue medical treatment immediately

First of all, you should seek medical attention from first responders as soon as possible. Even though you believe that injuries are not serious in nature, you must not neglect this option as there are several conditions which are not immediately felt by a victim.

For instance, a concussion may seem like a mild brain injury which may cause headache or dizziness; however, it may lead to memory loss or limited cognitive functions if an individual does not obtain adequate treatment. It may also lead to emotional distress leading to post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD), whose symptoms only appear after a few months have passed by. Furthermore, there is high probability that you may also not feel pain or discomfort initially due to the shock of it all. A study by suggests that our body starts to produce endorphins after an accident, which may block feeling of pain.

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The circumstances may be difficult to comprehend and deal with, but your actions following an auto accident can be vital for your health as well as your compensation claim. Therefore, it is imperative that you remain composed after an auto incident and follow aforementioned instructions.

How accepting medical assistance will affect your case?

An emergency medical respondent may arrive at the scene and assess your injuries. If they advise you to go to an emergency room, follow their instructions. Insurance companies assess post-accident circumstances when calculating your compensation payouts. If you deny their offer to seek treatment or do not visit the emergency room, it may give an impression that your injuries are not serious and will provide them solid grounds to reduce your compensation or even deny you a settlement offer. However, abiding by instructions of emergency medical personnel can allow your auto accident lawyer to build a strong case and add credibility to your claim. Consequently, the court will assess medical reports and provide you compensation depending upon severity of your injuries.

If you wish to know more about auto accidents and how to pursue your claim for compensation, contact the offices of Mary Ann Covone at (708) ­246-­4911 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced auto accident lawyer.